Maxims of Kungfu Keep skillfulness hidden, instead pretend a lack of ability. (大巧若拙)Keep the attack to be beaten off by the spirit. (以意擊人)Keep both hardness and softness coadjusted.(强柔相濟)Never get angry or seek a fight.(善戰不怒)Knowledge of thousand skills is no substitute for an exquisite one.(千招會不如一招精)Keep oneself controlled first in order to beat the opponent.(對方先治自己)Martial arts without profundity is perilous and learning to overpower the opponent is in vain. Wise Sayings Virtue wins over talent.(德勝才)Excess is just as bad as shortness.(過猶不及)Put yourself in someone’s shoes.(易地思之)Cast your bread upon the water, at long last you will find it again.(陰德陽報)